Here is what I know about Invisible Children and their Kony 2012 movement:
I know the people. I personally have meet Bobby Baily one of the founders of Invisible Children. He did not stop at Invisible Children but is now working on a global poverty project that focuses on extreme poverty. The people at Invisible Children are not looking to get rich from these projects because you can't. These are men and women who can't unsee what they have seen and can't sit by while it continues. These people at Invisible Children are sincere.You would have to be sincere to work endless hour for almost nothing at all.
I know that Invisible Children have been looking at results To see if they are really making a difference and what they can do to improve in sharing this issue sense before Kony 2012. They have all ways been transparent in there organization even before Kony 2012.
I know that Invisible Children is an advocacy non profit. Which means from the beginning they have set up their efforts to support the advocacy of this issue. The reason they did this was due to the fact that the most effective way to stop Joesph Koney, the LRA, and the decades of war was to encourage international involvement. The best way to do that is get people to care and to let there government representation know that the issue matters. That is why they are an advocacy group and why (being true to what an advocacy non profit dose) they spend part of their raised funds on getting people to care. That being said a percentage of there funds goes to creating programs that have saved hundreds of lives. There are many who criticize that they are not doing enough. Why would anyone (especially someone who is not doing anything) fight the those who are actually doing something.
I know that i may meet criticism and stress for posting this and supporting Invisible Children. The people at Invisible Children did not know how vulnerable mass communication could make them and have now learned how quickly media can turn. I know how vulnerable posting this makes me and have done it anyways. Not because I am fearless (I am fearful of what might come) but because I can not stop. No matter how people feel about the legitimacy of Invisible Children or Kony 2012 it dose not change the fact that there continues to be legitimate pain and suffering due to a long war that can be stopped if enough people care. I Care. And I plan to voice it, to continue writing to my repetitiveness, and not to forget about suffering just because it is not at the top of my news feed.
This is the Invisible Children's response to what happened with Kony 2012. I encourage you to take the time to watch: