Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Paris a City of Sustainability

It seems that environmental sustainability comes naturally to the french. (It may have something to do with there resources being far more expensive than in the States but I like to think it is because they care)

 When we got to the Hotel we would be staying in for a few days. the kitchen came complete with bio- degradable dish washing soap. Such a little thing and yet so cool.

 So trash cans. sorry correction, trash hoops/ bags/ hanging garbage. These are all over Paris and when i say all over Paris i mean walk a few steps and there is the next one. Ok my list of why theses are awesome:
  1. Cost effient to produce
  2. Less materials to produce
  3. Easy to collect (but then again i am not an expert in trash collection)
  4. Security, i am sure it is hard to throw things into the trash that should not be there.
One thing that is a little draw back. When it rains :P. a little gross but put up next to the benefits does not add up.  All i am saying is if i was at the point where i could change up a garbage system in a city this would be on the list of awesome changes.

 The French love there wine. (From what have been told they believe it is not really wine if it is not French wine.) But it turns out they love to recycle there wine bottles too. These glass bottle collectors may have only been in the game for a decade but they get around.

Paris may have come late into the recycling game but they have taken large leaps.

 No this is not bio yogurt, it is pronounced BO. Bio (BO) is the French term for Organic. The deodorantless hippies would be proud of this title.

 That gas station in the distance was the first one i have seen. This was on day 23 and i had to take a train out of the city to find it. Not that cars are not used, just there does not seem to be one for every person in France. Nice concept.


So how do people get around in Paris if most don't drive. There is a great transportation system that is every where and if you are lost the metro will find you. For  € 1.70 you can take the metro all over Paris and make as many transfers as you want before you ascend to the city above.

 Would you believe this round trip train ticket to Monet's house and back cost less than € 20. Oh plus you get a great view of the French country side.

Velib anyone. You know those communal bike systems people all ways say wont work. Well they can eat the stone street coming from the back of my velib tires. There is many a time i have found an empty rack of these cleaver bikes. Just look at how happy this next guy is...

 Of course there is good old fashion using your feet. who wouldn't want to walk to the next country town when it looks like this...

Or across the city when it looks like this....

This couple knows where it is at (they may have been a little creeped when i took this photo but oh well)

Ok so the French do like to use electricity to light up the Eiffel Tower all evening on the hour but hay it is the City of Lights.


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